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发布时间:2018-01-09 09:41:34 关注量:3343次




Animal behaviorists believe the orangutan is a cultured ape, able to learn new living habits and to pass them along to the next generation. Some orangutan parents teach their young to use leaves as napkins, while others demonstrate the technique of getting water from a hole by dipping a branch in and then licking the leaves. Orangutans have been observed saying goodnight with die gift of a juicy raspberry. Such social interactions lead researchers to conclude that if orangutans have culture then the capacity to learn culture is very ancient.

In the evolutionary timeline, orangutans separated from the ancestors of humans many millions of years ago, and they may have had culture before they separated. The discovery of orangutan culture suggests that early primates—including ancestors of humans -might have developed the ability to invent new behaviors, such as tool use, as early as 14 million years ago, approximately 6 million years earlier than once believed.

What can be inferred from paragraph I about social interactions related to teaching and learning?

A. They arc behaviors that only orangutan have displayed.

B. They are misunderstood by animal behaviorists.

C. They indicate similarities between orangutans and other apes.

D. They provide evidence that orangutans have culture.



Which of following can be inferred from paragraph 2?

A. The ancestors of humans learned culture from orangutans.

B. Orangutans were more advanced than most other early primates.

C. Primate culture may be older than scientists used to believe.

D. Scientists have found orangutan tools that are 6 million years old.



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