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发布时间:2017-03-10 22:53:00 关注量:3793次


In a typical business conference, associates meet to discuss policy or to solve problems. The average participants do not do much specific preparing; their background and thinking usually formulate their contribution. But it is best If all participants know in advance the purpose of the conference. Some general preparation may be in order, and participants may want to take into the conference materials or data that might useful if a matter comes up.

Q: Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

A. Although participants cannot be expected to do too much, they should do some general preparation.

B. The conference leader should prepare all of the materials and data that will be used in the conference.

C. There is a general order to most conferences, with participants contributing ideas and information.

D. As general preparation, participants can bring materials or data that might be a part of the discussion.

解析:原句and并列两句话,句1的主要信息是preparation in order。句2的主要信息是participants materials or data。

A 没有尽管-但是的逻辑关系,B 没有提到conference leader,C 没有提到information 和idea


Ruminants-cattle, bison, sheep, goats, deer, antelopes, and giraffes-have a large four-chambered stomach that enables them to digest fibrous plant matter. When a ruminant first swallows a mouthful of grass or leaves, the food enters the stomach's first chamber, the rumen, where bacteria start to break down the cellulose-rich matter and form it into small balls of cud. The ruminant periodically returns the cud to its mouth where it is chewed at length to crush the fibers, making them more accessible to further bacterial action. The ruminant then re-swallows the cud, which passes through the other three chambers of the stomach for further digestion.

Q: Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

A. Ruminants eat continuously, spending long periods eating grass and chewing their cud in order to access the nutrients.

B.The bacterial action begins when the ruminant puts the cud in its mouth and starts the long process of chewing.

C. The ruminant's strong teeth must crush the plant fibers in the cud in order to neutralize the cud's harmful bacteria.

D. The cud is sent back to the ruminant's mouth and chewed extensively so that the fibers can be digested more easily.

解析:原句是带有伴随状语的句子,主句的主要信息是The ruminantreturns the cudto its mouth。
A 没有提到nutrient,B 重点信息不是bacteria,C 没有提到ruminant's teeth






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