Do not need advanced knowledge in these subject
Do not need advanced mathematical skills (calculator notallowed/permitted for math)
Need the application of scientific reasoning skills
finch n. 雀类
beak n. 鸟嘴; 喙
inheritable adj. 可继承的; 可遗传的
trait n. 特色 (distinguishing characteristic)
offspring n. 子孙, 后代
shallow adj. 浅的, 肤浅的 (not deep )
exceptionally adv. 例外地,异常地,特殊地
hypothesize v. 假定
precipitation n. 降水(雨,雪,冰雹,etc.); 沉淀
deposition n. 沉积 (the natural process of leaving a layer of a substance on rocks or soil); 罢免
combustion n. (与氧气作用的)燃烧 (the process of burning)
ion n. 离子
gauge n. 计量器 (instrument for measuring the amount or level of sth ) v. (精确)计量 (measure sth. accurately )
evaporation n. 蒸发,发散,消失
micrograms n. 0.000 001 of a gram
milliequivalents毫克 (计量单位)
cosmic adj. 宇宙的
flux n. 通量; 流量 (rate of flow)
correlate v. 互相关联
be composed of由…构成 (made up or formed from sth)
droplet n. 小滴 ( a small drop of a liquid)
acid n. 酸 adj. 酸的; 刻薄的
base n. 碱
titrant n. 滴定试剂
incremental adj. 增加的
acid-base indicator n. 酸碱指示剂
conductivity n. 导电性; 传导性
sodium n. 钠 (Na)
hydroxide n. 氢氧化物 (-OH)
hydrochloric acid盐酸 (HCl)
acetic acid乙酸, 醋酸 (CH3COOH)
aqueous adj. 水的
nitrazine yellow硝嗪黄 (用作pH试纸)
flask n. 细颈瓶, 烧瓶
probe n. 探针 v. 探测; 调查
astronomy n. 天文学
stellar adj. 星的 (of a star or stars)
pre-在…前 (before)
post-在…后 (after)
fuse v. 熔化 (become liquid by means of heat ) n. 导火线, 引信
hydrogen['ha?dr?d??n]n. 氢 (H)
nucleus n. 原子核 (pl. nuclei)
proton n. 质子
helium n. 氦 (He)
intersecting adj. 相交的; 交叉的 (cross)
galaxy n. 星系;银河系
electron n. 电子
repel v. 排斥; 拒绝; 击退
krypton n. 【化】氪,氪气(Kr)
inlet n. 入口 (opening to allow especially liquid to enter)
valve n. 阀门, 阀
sensor n. 传感器
molecule n. 分子
threshold n. 门槛; 门口; 起点 (the level at which sth starts to happen)
intensity n. 强度; 强烈
compression n. 压缩; 浓缩
decibel n. 分贝
hertz n. 赫兹 (Hz) (unit of frequency)
torr n. 【物】托 (真空压强单位,相当于1mm汞柱的压强)
inversely adj. 相反地
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