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SAT阅读之The Awakening 片段赏析二

发布时间:2017-04-13 21:17:00 关注量:5871次

The Awakening 片段赏析二

Another piece called to her mind a dainty young woman clad in an Empire gown, taking mincing dancing steps as she came down a long avenue between tall hedges. Again, another reminded her of children at play, and still another of nothing on earth but a demure lady stroking a cat.

The very first chords which Mademoiselle Reisz struck upon the piano sent a keen tremor down Mrs. Pontellier's spinal column. It was not the first time she had heard an artist at the piano. Perhaps it was the first time she was ready, perhaps the first time her being was tempered to take an impress of the abiding truth.

She waited for the material pictures which she thought would gather and blaze before her imagination. She waited in vain. She saw no pictures of solitude, of hope, of longing, or of despair. But the very passions themselves were aroused within her soul, swaying it, lashing it, as the waves daily beat upon her splendid body. She trembled, she was choking, and the tears blinded her.




dainty: delicately beautiful 讲究的
mincing:affectedly dainty or refined 装腔作势的
demure:affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way 端庄的
abiding:unceasing 持久的,不变的


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