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SAT阅读之Nothanger Abbey 片段赏析二

发布时间:2017-03-10 21:14:00 关注量:5282次

Catherine began to feel something of disappointment—she was tired of being continually pressed against by people, the generality of whose faces possessed nothing to interest, and with all of whom she was so wholly unacquainted that she could not relieve the irksomeness of imprisonment by the exchange of a syllable with any of her fellow captives. They saw nothing of Mr. Allen; and after looking about them in vain for a more eligible situation, were obliged to sit down at the end of a table, at which a large party were already placed, without having anything to do there, or anybody to speak to, except each other.

Mrs. Allen congratulated herself, as soon as they were seated, on having preserved her gown from injury. "It would have been very shocking to have it torn," said she, "would not it? It is such a delicate muslin. For my part I have not seen anything I like so well in the whole room, I assure you." "How uncomfortable it is," whispered Catherine, "not to have a single acquaintance here!"

"Yes, my dear," replied Mrs. Allen, with perfect serenity, "it is very uncomfortable indeed."



艾伦夫人很庆幸礼服没有刮破,”如果礼服破了,我会非常生气的,毕竟这个舞会没有什么值得我在意的” 她说到。”“好不舒服呀”凯瑟琳小声说道“在这儿没有一个人认识”



irksomeness: it irritates or annoys you 令人厌烦

in vain: to no avail 白费力气,徒劳

eligible: qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen  合格的,符合条件的

oblige: force or compel somebody to do something  强迫

muslin:plain-woven cotton fabric 棉布

本篇文章是由沈阳SAT培训通途国际英语的Trista老师为大家带来的SAT阅读之Nothanger Abbey 片段赏析二,第一部分内容的链接在这里,SAT阅读之Nothanger Abbey 片段赏析一,另外给大家推荐一下Trista老师的另一篇赏析文章,希望对童鞋们的备考有所帮助。

本文由沈阳SAT培训 通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.com.cn/SAT_sy/yuedu/257.html