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发布时间:2017-08-31 16:14:00 关注量:6601次


图表类型: 曲线图
作文题目: 1994年到2010年,欧洲不同年龄阶段的人每月去健身情况的对比
The table gives information about European people of different age groups who went to gym once a month or more .Describe and summary key points.
思路:相同趋势可归为一个段落中,且相同趋势对比,掌握的词汇如exceed,surpas等,再用年初年末表达法,掌握的词汇如constitute,account for,reach the peak at,bottom out at等。句型可用before,after等连接同一条线的两个并列句。结尾段概述总体趋势走向,常用一句话结尾,中间可用连词whereas, while, whilst等连接。
图表: 待补充
作文题目: In recent years, the pressure of students in university is increasing and they are pushed to work hard from a young age. Do you think it’s a positive or negative development?
题材类别: 观点类
话题类别: 社会类
例文: Working around the clock even after the exertions of a busy day at school, grabbing some sandwiches and then being buried in the piles of homework, these scenarios are somewhat slashed or even boycotted by some educationists, yet the irony is that we are inching towards this trend since in the long run, this“education gloom”will bring us sunshine.
Apparently, students themselves are the beneficiaries. Industriousness and diligence is a merit which should be advocated, and this positive character is likely to beneficial to nurture other good qualities, such as making plans before every assignment and task, devotion to one thing and being calm under mounting pressure. This is especially important because students are in the habit formative period in their life and hard-working can help them to stay from the negative influence of some disruptive students along with their bad behavior.
Another benefit of commitment in study is quite realistic and tangible--- a more promising future in the workplace and a strong chance to climb quicker in the career lattice. Harding working students are more likely to attain a better academic performance and they tend to be admitted by more prestigious university whose graduates are on the name lists of big companies which will give them a flying start in their career path.
Of course, the exception always shows up if we judge this issue more objectively. Not every student should be shaped into those who are hard-working and can gain happiness in their study. Those with physical and aesthetic talent should be given free rein to unleash their potential in gyms and theaters, and those who are mentally fragile and feel hard to fit into the environment where there is daunting pressure should not be pushed to work harder.
In conclusion, students are supposed to apply themselves in study as they can directly benefit from their exertion.


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