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雅思听力技巧Section 3选择题分析

发布时间:2017-02-09 10:14:00 关注量:8046次

雅思听力主要以填空和选择为主。前两次我们已经分析过了雅思填空的一些方法,接下来我们就来分析一下选择题的特点。选择题分两个部分,一个是对话的形式,一个是lecture独白的形式,今天我们重点分析对话的选择题。既然是对话,在听力开始以后,我们就要抓住谁是主问方,谁是主答方,以问问题者为指示,做好准备,听回答者如何作答,特别是有转折词however , but 等,要特别注意。以剑7 Test 1 Section 3 为例

Q: Janice thinks that employers should encourage workers who are
A. potential leaders
B. open to new ideas
C. good at teamwork

Q: Janice suggests that managers may find it difficult to
A. form successful groups
B. balance conflicting needs
C. deal with uncooperative workers

Q: Janice believes employers should look for job applicants who
A. can think independently
B. will obey the system
C. can solve problems

Q: Janice believes managers should
A. demonstrate good behavior
B. encourage co-operation early on
C. increase financial incentives

1. managers should为指示,原文
What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are not afraid to accept the idea of responsibility.

2. managers find It difficult 为指示,原文
Yes, that may be true but I think one of the most important tasks of managers Is to consider the needs of the individual on one hand and group co-operation and conformity on the other.
答案:B   此处有个明显的but, one hand…and on the other ,故为balance 平衡

3. job applicants 为指示,原文
When the personnel department is choosing between applicants they need to look for someone who's broken the mould and can think for themselves.

4 以问题者再次提到managers should 为指示,原文
What's important here Is that this happens right at the beginning so new recruits learn the rules of the system immediately.

本文是由沈阳雅思培训学校通途国际英语的Trista老师撰写的,上次Trista老师写的文章是雅思听力Section 4填空分析,有感兴趣的童鞋可以来看一下。

本文由沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.com.cn/IELTS_sy/tingli/166.html