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发布时间:2018-07-11 09:14:44 关注量:7546次



Describe a party that you attended. You should say:

when it took place

where it was

whose party it was

and how you felt about the party.

Part 3

1) Do Chinese people like to hold parties?

2) Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?

3) Should parents spend a lot of money on their children’s birthday parties?

4) What do children often do in a birthday party?

5) What do adults do in parties?


Describe a happy experience you had before. You should say:

where you were

when it happened

what you did

and explain why you were happy about it.

Part 3

1) Do most Chinese people think that money is important?

2) What is the relationship between money and happiness?

3) Do you think money is important?

4) What do you do to make yourself happy?

5) Why are children generally happier than adults?


Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation. You should say:

where you went

what transportation you took

who you were with

and how you felt about the trip.

Part 3

1) Should governments encourage people to use public transportation?

2) What is the most important popular means of transportation in your country?

3) Do you prefer public or private transportation? Why?

4) In what ways can we fix traffic problems?

5) Is it fair to limit the use of private cars?


Describe something interesting your friend has done but you haven’t. You should say:

what it was

where your friend did it

when you friend did it

and explain why it was interesting.

Part 3

1. Are people influenced by famous people?

2. Are people influenced more by their friends or their parents?

3. Why are there so many self-centered people?

4. Do you think more and more people become self-centered?

5. What have you learned from your friends?


Describe the time when you received your first phone. You should say:

when it was

who gave you the cellphone

what it was like

and how you felt about it.

Part 3

1. For children, what age do you think is suitable to allow them to use cellphones?

2. What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?

3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of using cellphones?

4. Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?

5. Why are many people addicted to apps?


Describe a time that you had to change your plan/mind. You should say:

when this happened

what made you change the plan

what the new plan was

and how you felt about the change.

Part 3

1. What kinds of plans are practical?

2. Do young people like to change plans?

3. What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

4. How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?

5. Do old people often change plans?


Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special reason. You should say:

what the occasion was

what you wore

where you bought the clothes

and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes.

Part 3

1) Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?

2) Where can you buy formal clothes in China?

3) What clothes do university students wear for their graduation ceremonies?

4) When should people wear formal clothes?

5) Does personality affect people’s choice on clothes?


Describe a time that you bought something in a street market. You should say:

when it way

where it was

what you bought

and how you felt about the shopping experience.

Part 3

1) Do you think the good sold at discount stores do not have good qualities?

2) Where do you like to go shopping?

3) Why do some people prefer street markets over shopping malls?

4) What do some people like to buy expensive goods?

5) Do you like shopping in big shopping malls?


Describe an important event that you celebrated. You should say:

what it was

where it happened

why it was important

and explain how people felt about it.


1) Do you like to plan for an important meeting or activity?

2) Who is the most important person in your life?

3) What events do Chinese people like to celebrate?

4) Is there any difference between the events that Chinese like to celebrate and those that people in other countries like to celebrate?


Describe a time when someone visited your home. You should say:

who the person was

when it happened

what you did

and how you felt about the visit.


1) Do young people like to visit their friends nowadays?

2) What do Chinese people usually do when hanging out together?

3) Do you think technology has brought us closer?

4) What time do you think is suitable for visiting?

5) How do you make new friends?


Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money.You should say:

what day it was

where you went

what you did

and explain how you felt about that day.


1) Do teenagers spend much more money than before?

2) How can people save money as much as possible?

3) Have you ever have had bad shopping experience?

4) Why is online shopping so popular these days?

5) Do you think you can buy something from a physical store without money?


Describe a time you helped someone. You should say:

who you helped;

how you helped him or her;

why you helped him or her;

and explain how this person benefited from your help.


1) Why do people need to help others?

2) Do you think there are more people helping others than before?

3) Do we need to do some voluntary work? Why?

4) Do you like helping others? Why?

5) How do we teach our kids to become a helper?

6) What kind of jobs are helping people? Why?

13. 一个决定

Describe a good decision someone made. You should say:

who made it

what the decision was

when it was made

and explain why it was a good decision.

Part 3

1) Should children make decisions on their own?

2) How should parents help their children make decisions?

3) Do parents in your country make decisions for their children?

4) Who will be helpful when making decisions in your country?

5) Do you think it is advisable listening to others’ advice when making decision?

6) When young people are able to make decision, should they listen to some advice?

14. 省钱的经历

Describe a time that you saved money for something. You should say:

when it was

why you saved money

how much you saved

and how you felt about it.

Part 3

1) Do young Chinese like to save money?

2) Why do some people like to save money?

3) What is the best way of saving money?

4) What are the consequences of not saving money?

5) Do you agree with the idea that the more you save, the better your life will be?


Describe a situation when you had to be polite. You should say:

what the situation was

who were there

why you had to be polite

and how you showed your politeness.

Part 3

1) Are Chinese people becoming much politer or not?

2) In what ways do Chinese people show politeness?

3) What are the uncivilized manners on public transportation?

4) What would you do when this happens?

5) Should people show politeness to friends?


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