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【雅思听力】剑5Test 3 Section3解题技巧分析

发布时间:2018-01-09 09:59:03 关注量:8095次

Feedback Form

Course:             Communication in Business

Course code:     CB162

Dates:               From_5th May_to_16th July_

Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course:

Good Points

Suggestions for Improvement

Course organization

l _clear_

l Useful to have __outline__ at beginning of course

l Too much work in _2nd half_ of the course – could be more evenly balanced

Course delivery

l good _teaching_

l some_discussion_sessions went on too long

Materials and equipment

l good _handouts_

l not enough copies of key text available

l need more computers

Testing and evaluation

l quick feedback from oral presentations

l marking clarity for oral presentations known in advance

l too much _written work_

l can we know criteria  for marking final exams?

Other comments

l excellent _student support_


1. from后需要日期

I remember, my birthday’s on May 4th and it was the day after, it must have been May 5th.

2. From后需要日期

We finish at the end of this week, on Friday, so that's July 15th? Er,16th, Monday was the 12th.

3. 名词或形容词 评价

OK, what's the first one? Oh, course organization. What do you think? Er, clear? It was, wasn't it?

4. Have动词后加名词

It was a good thing he gave us the course outlines at the beginning

5. In后加名词

I thought it was going to be really easy and then all of a sudden in the second half of the course we got a whole load of work

6. Good形容词后加名词

Yeah, I suppose so. Well, what I thought was really good on this course was the standard of teaching.


I didn't think it was all that wonderful when we had great long group discussion sessions that went on for hours and hours.


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该文章《【雅思听力】剑5Test 3 Section3解题技巧分析》来源于通途国际英语,网址:http://www.tingtoo.com.cn/IELTS_sy/tingli/338.html

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