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雅思口语part-2 Describe an activity that is a little expensive

发布时间:2017-04-28 11:20:00 关注量:8946次

例文:Describe an activity that is a little expensive.
在雅思口语话题中,同学们难免遇到一些无从下手的题目。对于这些题目,我们要在平时练习的时候就多思考,把自己的兴趣,爱好或者经历做以充分发挥。这样会更容易与考试话题相结合。下面,沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语的小编就来为大家做一篇关于Describe an activity that is a little expensive这个话题的思路与讲解。

Describe an activity that is a little expensive.
You should say:
what it is;
how much it usually costs;
who you usually do it with;
and explain why you like to do this activity.

Playing golf is the sport I prefer to do. The cost for this sport is a little bit higher than usual. (全文只在这一处提到“贵”这个概念,其它地方都在讲这种运动本身。所以同学们实际上也必全文都围绕“贵”来谈) However, the fee includes all the necessary parts, including golf car, caddie and locker. From this perspective, the service provided is quite reasonable (体贴周到的). (虽然价格很昂贵,但是贵很值。)

I always play golf with my colleagues and business partners (my parents and family relatives). Some of them are really good at playing it while I am just a newcomer (新手). So I learn from them and attempt to master the techniques step by step. (类似的语言其实可以应用在几乎所有的活动类话题中)

The fascinating part about this sport is that my patience and emotion-control have been cultivated gradually. (先集中一点来谈该运动的好处,再进一步展开来说)It is a sport that exercises the whole body’s muscle considering that we seldom do fitness exercises in daily work and study. Except for keeping fit, it helps me relax mentally. All the pressure from work is relieved while playing golf. (同上,这样的好处或优点也能应用在几乎所有的活动类话题上)

The last thing I would like to mention about golf is that it is also an important step to cultivate a person’s comprehensive quality. (关于打高尔夫球的好处,全文提到两点,每次都是按先说观点,再展开来谈的结构进行的)Besides serving as one’s special skill, this tiny ball brings people
together (小球的作用是缩短距离). Playing golf together serves as a platform for a hard-won(来之不易的)partnership or a precious friendship. It’s even a perfect topic to discuss in social intercourse, just like what I am saying now.

本文由沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.com.cn/IELTS_sy/kouyu/190.html