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【雅思听力】剑5 - Test 3 Section4题型分析

发布时间:2018-01-23 15:34:13 关注量:8524次

31 By 2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be __12.5%__ lower than in 1990.

32 Recycling saves energy and reduces emissions from landfill sites and __incineration plants__

33 People say that one problem is a lack of '__drop-off__' sites for household waste.

At the 'bring banks', household waste is sorted and unsuitable items removed.

34 Glasses designed to be utilized for __cooking__ cannot be recycled with other types of glass.

35 In the UK, __500,000__ tons of glass is recycled each year.

Companies working with recycled materials



Product that the company manufactures


CLF Aggregates

Material used for making __roads__



Office stationery


__soil conditioner__ for use on farms



__containers__ for collecting waste



Johnson & Jones

__business cards__


1. 数字比较

The agreed targets for the UK mean that by 2008 we must reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 12.5% compared with 1990.

2. landfill sites之后名词

paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials, and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites and incineration plants.

3. Of 后加名词

One problem is that there aren't enough ‘drop-off ‘ sites, that is, the places where the public are supposed to take their waste.

4. for后加名词

Another difficulty is that toughened glass used for cooking doesn’t fully melt at temperature required for other glass.

5. 名词

but only 500.000 tons of that is collected recycled.

6. make加名词

A company called CLF aggregates makes a product for roads.

7. 名词

One firm, Papersave, currently sells this to farmers as a soil conditioner.

8. 名词

one of its most successful activities is recycling plastic bottles to make containers which are used all over the country to collect waste.

9. 名词

Such as Waterford, which turns the cups into pencils,

10. 名词

Johnson & Jones, a Welsh-based firm, which has developed a wide variety of items, including business cards.

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